Angelite Bracelet


20 in stock

Angelite Stretch Bracelet, 8mm

Throat Chakra Association

20 in stock


Healing Qualities: Sender/receiver, spiritual journeys, astral travel. Use four Crystals to create a circuit and place around either a sleep area or healing space to create a crystal array. Light workers can improve their ability to connect/maintain their connection. It enhances telepathic communication and helps facilitate out-of-body journeys. It deepens attunement and heightens perception. It fosters conscious connection to the angelic realm and can help you in move into a meditative state more easily. Good for Awareness, protection, feelings of security.

This stone helps one connect with angels and spiritual guides. It also unblocks communication barriers and can dispel fear, anger, and encourages forgiveness. Considered as an aid to weight control.

Physical: good for the senses, throat, thymus, blood vessels, hemoglobin. Acts as an insect repellent, helps infectious diseases.

Emotional/ Spiritual: comforts grief and helps anger.

Each stone, being a product of nature,  varies in color, shape and size and are approximately 7″–8″.
