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Smoky Quartz & African Turquoise Dream Catcher Bracelet


10 in stock

Smoky Quartz & African Turquoise Dream Catcher Charm Stretch Bracelet, 8mm

Root and Heart Chakra Association

10 in stock


Smoky Quartz Healing Qualities: Helps to live in the present moment. Good for organizational skills, it clears up miscommunication, opens up the paths of perception. Can assist in overcoming grief and despair, allowing healing, reconciliation and a sense of joy. Good for survival instincts, male energies, mental activity, offers protection by dissipating negativity, helpful if you habitually spend too much money.

Physical: Helps stammering. Good for sexual energy, physical expression. Good for legs, knees, ankles, feet and hands.

Emotional/ Spiritual: Good for sedation, relaxation, channels energy through the hands (Reiki/ Spiritual Healing). Helps depression. Speeds up the law of Karma.

African Turquoise *Beware of retailers/ wholesalers selling dyed Blue Howlite and calling it Turquoise

Healing Qualities: Good for protection, grounding and shielding. Connects through the throat from the earth.

Allows the natural healing energies of the body to connect, a great stone to use for and during healing. Connect with this stone to feel the ancient and natural energy of the earth and to be restored. This stone will help you go with-in, to help quiet the noise of the Western world, a great stone to help reminisce the energy and beauty of the past. Also allows us to connect to nature.

Emotional/ Spiritual: Soothing and centering

Each stone, being a product of nature, varies in color, shape and size and are approximately 7″-8″.
