Port Jefferson (631) 642-2377 | Bayshore (631) 647-8886 | Wading River (631) 284-3326 | Oyster Bay (516) 588-9494

Meditation Ticket 6/10/20


Join us, we will be offering guided meditation in the comfort of your home during this time that our stores are unable to be open.

SKU: MED6/10 Categories: , Tags: ,


Join us, we will be offering guided meditation in the comfort of your home during this time that our stores are unable to be open.

Let’s keep our vibration up and lifted and keep our community close and together.

After you purchase your ticket, you will be sent a link to our Zoom Group to go “Live” Wednesday, with us.

Beginner Meditation, “LIVE”

Wednesday, June 10th, 7:00pm-8:00pm

Jena Rogers Turner, $10.

We start by pulling a positive affirmation card and meditate in a room filled with healing crystals and beautiful energy. Our meditations are different each week. Come and share in this group to enjoy a light hearted meditation and help reduce stress in your life.

Finding a peaceful place within…our lives are so busy with the demands of modern life, many feel stressed and over-whelmed. Stress weighs us down and can affect our health. Meditation can help us to understand our own mind. We can learn how to transform our mind from negative to positive. Cultivating constructive thoughts to assist in bringing down our stress levels, to reach a place of stillness. Discussing how positive thoughts and actions can be manifested and sit in a guided meditation.

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