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White Sage Bundle, Large


25 in stock

Large White Sage Bundle

25 in stock


The White Sage bundle is a sacred and revered tool for spiritual purification and energetic cleansing. Derived from the leaves of the Salvia apiana plant native to Southern California and Northern Mexico, white sage has been used for centuries by indigenous cultures for its potent cleansing properties.

At its essence, white sage is a symbol of purity, wisdom, and protection. When burned, its fragrant smoke releases powerful compounds that clear away negative energy, dispel stagnant vibrations, and create a space of tranquility and clarity. This cleansing ritual, known as smudging, is deeply rooted in Native American traditions and is practiced to purify the body, mind, and environment.

The aromatic smoke of white sage is believed to have antimicrobial properties, purifying the air and promoting physical well-being. Moreover, the act of smudging is thought to enhance mental clarity, increase focus, and promote spiritual awareness. It serves as a powerful tool for meditation, ritual, and intention-setting, allowing individuals to release negativity and invite in positivity and healing.

Whether used for personal purification, space clearing, or spiritual ceremony, the White Sage bundle offers a profound opportunity for transformation and renewal. Embrace the ancient wisdom of this sacred herb as you embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth.


Additional information

Weight 0.00000000 lbs
Dimensions 0.00000000 × 0.00000000 × 0.00000000 in


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