Tuning Fork, Third Eye Chakra


10 in stock

  • A Tuned with the frequency of 221.23 for the Third Eye Chakra of Intuition and Knowledge.
  • Shipped with bag and mallet, made in aluminum.
  • 7.5″L

10 in stock

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In the realm where spirit and matter converge, there exists a tool of profound insight and spiritual awakening—the Third Eye Chakra Tuning Fork. Crafted from aluminum, its slender form embodies the essence of intuition and enlightenment, resonating with the energy of the sixth chakra.

When struck with gentle intention, the tuning fork emits a resonant frequency that reverberates throughout the space, filling the air with a subtle hum of cosmic energy. Its sound, like a whisper from the universe, awakens dormant faculties and opens the mind to the infinite possibilities of the unseen world.

With each vibration, the Third Eye Chakra Tuning Fork stimulates the energetic body, clearing blockages and harmonizing the flow of energy within the third eye chakra. Its gentle pulses dissolve illusions and reveal hidden truths, allowing seekers to perceive the world with clarity and discernment.

In the hands of a skilled practitioner, the tuning fork becomes a conduit for divine insight, channeling the wisdom of the cosmos into the physical realm. Through focused meditation and intention, it aligns the mind, body, and spirit, facilitating a deeper connection to the universal consciousness.

In the presence of the Third Eye Chakra Tuning Fork, one cannot help but feel a sense of awe and reverence for the profound mysteries it represents. For within its celestial tones lies the key to unlocking the inner eye and experiencing the boundless depths of spiritual awakening.